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These programs in the Department of Physics and Geology require an advisor:

Physics (PHY), Geology (GLY), Pre-Engineering (PENG), Engineering Physics, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MMET); Mechatronics Engineering Technology (MET), Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology (EEET).

If you have declared one of the majors above, then your my51ÁÔÆæ account should indicate one of the advisors below. If you are unable to reach your advisor or you have questions which are not answered on the , then email Dr. Dirk Grupe, Department Chair. EGT Majors can contact Dr. Seyed Alllameh, Director of Engineering Technology.

General Department Advisors

Physics, Engineering Physics, & Pre-Engineering  


  • Dr. Nilesh Dixit – SC 250 – dixitn1@nku.edu – (859) 572-6907

Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology

Mechatronics Engineering Technology